2012 News

8 November, 2012

ENMCA meeting took place on the 23rd January 2012 in Rome hosted by the Italian Ministry of Health and the FNOMCeO, 13th April in London hosted by the General Medical Council (GMC) and 14th September in Cyprus.

Next meeting of the European Network of Medical Competent Authorities

The next ENMCA meeting will take place on the 14th September 2012 in Cyprus.

More information will be shortly available in the Network news section (access restricted to members only).

Meeting of the European Network of Medical Competent Authorities

A ENMCA meeting took place on the 13th April 2012 in London. It was hosted by the General Medical Council (GMC).

For more information and to access the documents of the meeting, please visit the Network news section (access restricted to members only).

Meeting of the European Network of Medical Competent Authorities

A ENMCA meeting took place on the 23rd January 2012 in Rome. It was hosted by the Italian Ministry of Health and the FNOMCeO. Network participants adopted a Joint position paper on the Commission Proposal to amend the 2005/36/EC professional qualifications Directive.

For more information and to access the documents of the meeting, please visit the Network news section (access restricted to members only).