2016 News

8 November, 2016

Healthcare Professional Crossing Borders (HPCB) conference took place on the 28th October 2016 in London. The conference focused on professional mobility and patient safety.

HPCB Conference - Promoting patient safety across borders 

Registration is live and places still available for the Healthcare Professional Crossing Borders (HPCB) – Promoting patient safety across borders conference, to be held in London on Friday 28 October 2016.  

The conference will focus on professional mobility and patient safety, looking at the implementation of the recognition of professional qualifications Directive, with a focus on the European professional card and alert mechanism.

Keynote speakers include Vicky Ford MEP and the European Commission DG GROW and DG SANCO. Two panels will discuss the implementation of the European professional card and aler mechanism, and ensuring patient safety through CPD and revalidation.

HPCB are encouraging healthcare competent authorities and regulators in the European Economic Area (EEA) to register now!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with the HPCB secretariat at HPCB@gmc-uk.org.