Dernières actualités

5 February, 2014 Utrecht meeting – Held at the Domus Medica, Mercatorlaan 1200, 3528 BL, Utrecht – 7th April 2014 – Find a draft agenda, hotel rooms/public transportation, registration form, presentations
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26 August, 2013 10th ENMCA Meeting – Held at the Danish Health and Medicines Authority, Islands Brygge 67, Copenhagen – 2nd December 2013 – Find agenda, invitation, presentations, feedback form
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28 June, 2012 Cyprus meeting – Hosted by the Cyprus Medical Council – 14th September 2012 – Find registration form, a draft agenda and recommended hotels.
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5 March, 2012 8th ENMCA Meeting – Hosted by the General Medical Council (GMC) – 13th April 2012 – Find agenda, registration form, hotels London, list of participants and presentation on delegated and implementing acts.
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5 March, 2012 7th ENMCA Meeting – Hosted by the Italian Ministry of Health and the FNOMCeO – 23rd January 2012 – Find agenda, list of participants, document presentation and position paper on the Commission Proposalto amend the 2005/36/EC Directive
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5 March, 2012 6th ENMCA Meeting – Hosted by the Estonian Health Board – 6th September 2011 – Find agenda, list of participants, EC Technical briefing and ENMCA response the the EC Green Paper
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5 March, 2012 5th ENMCA Meeting – Medical Chamber of Slovenia hosted by the Medical Chamber of Slovenia – 18th May 2011 Find agenda, list of participants and presentations
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5 March, 2012 4th ENMCA Meeting – Hosted by the German Medical Association (BÄK) – 22nd  February 2011 Find agenda, list of participants and ENMCA joint submissions to the Consultation on Directive 2005/36/EC
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5 March, 2012 ENMCA Meeting – Hosted by the Bundesärztekammer – 13th September 2010 Find agenda, list of participants, minutes, Berlin Statement and presentations.
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